The Solution on Mobile
Switching cover photos to photos of salon interiors was crucial to help reduce image bias.
New Features
Availability pills
On-demand booking
Mobile experiences are increasingly about last minute, on-demand needs for people who don't plan ahead. Available time slots, especially for lower consideration bookings like nails and barbering, are the main considerations before booking on mobile. Putting time slots up front prevents frustrating back and forth from search to profile as users know at a glance when stylists are available. This UI also has the added benefit of letting new users know right away StyleSeat is a booking site.
A cheap AB test showed a 4.5% increase in booking
We had a hunch being able to book directly from search would be a quick and valuable for users, but couldn't invest in building out an entire flow before testing that theory. We surfaced the availability pills and watched tap targets and bookings, and there was a 4.5% increase in bookings in the AB test group with availability pills, which gave us signal that building out a booking flow from search was worth while.
Book from search
Improved Search UX
The new nav bar acts as a value prop that lets users know right away StyleSeat is a booking site. Surfacing inputs for all of your needs right up front de-emphasizes the need for filters, an element that was barely engaged with in the previous UI. Interstitials with suggestions for inputs do a lot of the heavy lifting for a user, making them more likely to find what they need.
AB Test Results
Our data scientists created a service map with categories and sub categories based on raw user inputs. This inspired us to create the service menu picker, helping guide users with their inputs to a second tier of specificity, resulting in more accurate search results.
Control Search Interstitial
One single level of specificity with location only surfaced after the search bar has been clicked. Overly reliant on users knowing how to spell things like balayage or know the names of things like nail gels.
Two levels of specificity to choose from in the service menu picker. The location and time picker was fired separately. This led to more usage of the search bar, more bookings and cleaner data.